Organizing such Free Camps In Various parts of Baghpat constituency is a part of Satya Foundation Trust policy Of Creating General Health Awareness Throughout Baghpat. The Key Objective Behind foundation’s Endeavour in Organizing Such Medical Camps Free of Cost Is Creation Of Health awareness among individuals in society.
The team of Doctors and volunteers had a vision to provide medical help to the needy, promote health and exercise and encourage the evolution of humankind. A lot of people who attended the camp faced issues which could otherwise be avoided and it was sad to see how they could not afford medical help due to low economic status.
Foundation conducts various investigations in the medical camps like E.C.G. tests, B.M.D. (bone marrow density) tests, hemoglobin check-up, breast screening, and Pap smear test as per the doctor’s recommendations for each individual patient.
After conducting the camp, patients who need further surgeries are identified by the team. Satya Foundation takes personal care and initiative to take such patients to good hospitals, treat them well & support them financially. The personal involvement by Foundation team for such needy patients has benefited large number of patients. This is an end to end service that is provided to the needy patients.
It is observed that at such camps, patients who need proper reading glasses are supplied with the same totally free of cost. Patients are also sponsored with free of charge medicines at various medical camps conducted.
Satya Foundation conducts blood donation camps in semi-developed rural areas where they have a primary health care center, but don’t have super specialty hospitals.
Nevertheless, the volunteers made sure to treat each patient equally and exercise their right of good health and hygiene. Not only was this a learning experience but also a chance to holistically develop ourselves as the upcoming youth of medicine.